Charlie Russell - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Yorkshire Abbishaw, Albert125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Lancashire Aspey, Sam102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 England Avery, Albert218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Avery, Albert218 Jun 191008 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Avery, Albert102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Midlands & South Avery, Albert123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Rugby League XIII Avery, Albert125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Avery, Albert120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 England Batten, Billy218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Batten, Billy218 Jun 191016 Dec 1911
 Rugby League XIII Batten, Billy125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Batten, Billy125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Midlands & South Benyon, David123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Blacklock, Bill122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Briers, Benjamin102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Rugby League XIII Brook, Wimpenny125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Midlands & South Burdett, Edward123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Great Britain Burgham, Oliver108 Nov 191108 Nov 1911
 Cumberland Clampitt, Jim122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 England Clampitt, Jim118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Clampitt, Jim108 Nov 191108 Nov 1911
 Great Britain Clark, Duggy116 Dec 191116 Dec 1911
 Rugby League XIII Clarkson, Ellis125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Connell, George125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Midlands & South Cook, Jimmy123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Great Britain Curzon, Ephraim118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 Cumberland Davidson, George122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Wales Davies, David107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Davies, Jim116 Dec 191116 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Davies, Will108 Nov 191108 Nov 1911
 Rugby League XIII Davies, Will125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Wales Davies, Will107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Davies, Will120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Cumberland Ferguson, Joe122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Cumberland Fowler, William122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Gleave, Fred102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Rugby League XIII Grey, Tommy125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Wales Grey, Tommy107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Gronow, Ben208 Nov 191116 Dec 1911
 Wales Gronow, Ben107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Gronow, Ben120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 England Harrison, Fred106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Harrison, Fred208 Nov 191116 Dec 1911
 Rugby League XIII Harrison, Fred125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Midlands & South Herridge, Tom123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Yorkshire Higson, John125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Wales Hitchings, George107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Midlands & South Houghton, J123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Midlands & South Hutt, Will123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Yorkshire Jarman, Billy125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Great Britain Jenkins, Bert218 Jun 191008 Nov 1911
 Rugby League XIII Jenkins, Bert125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Wales Jenkins, Bert107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Jenkins, Bert120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Wales Jenkins, Ernie107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales Jenkins, Chick107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Jenkins, Chick120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 England Jenkinson, Albert106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Jenkinson, Albert116 Dec 191116 Dec 1911
 Lancashire Johnson, Tom102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Jones, Ned120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Wales & the West Jones, Ernest120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 England Jukes, Billy218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Jukes, Billy118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 Rugby League XIII Jukes, Billy125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Jukes, Billy125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 England Kershaw, Herbert118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Rugby League XIII Kershaw, Herbert125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Kershaw, Herbert125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 England Kitchen, William118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Leytham, Jimmy118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 Wales & the West Llewellyn, Lewis120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Lancashire Logan, Alec102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Cumberland Lomas, Jim122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 England Lomas, Jim218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Lomas, Jim218 Jun 191016 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Miller, Joe108 Nov 191108 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Miller, Joe102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Moore, Arthur125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Morgan, Ben122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Great Britain Newbould, Tommy118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 Midlands & South Oldham, Joseph123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Owens, Joe122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Yorkshire Place, Herbert125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 England Poynton, Tommy106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Yorkshire Poynton, Tommy125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Price, Tot122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Wales Pugsley, Joe107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Pugsley, Joe120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 England Ramsdale, Dick218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Ramsdale, Dick218 Jun 191016 Dec 1911
 Lancashire Ramsdale, Dick102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Rugby League XIII Ramsdale, Dick125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Lancashire Reid, Billy102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 England Riley, Joe106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Midlands & South Robinson, Jack123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Wales & the West Roman, "Rattler"120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Wales Ruddick, George107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 England Sharrock, Jimmy118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Sharrock, Jimmy218 Jun 191008 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Sharrock, Jimmy102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 England Smith, Fred218 Oct 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Smith, Fred208 Nov 191116 Dec 1911
 Yorkshire Smith, Fred125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Wales Smith, Harry107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Yorkshire Stacey, Sam125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Yorkshire Surman, Tommy125 Sep 191125 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Taylor, Charlie122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Taylor, Harry102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Thomas, Johnny218 Jun 191008 Nov 1911
 Lancashire Thomas, Johnny102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 Wales Thomas, Johnny107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales Thomas, Phil107 Oct 191107 Oct 1911
 Wales & the West Thomas, Willie120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Cumberland Treloar, Sammy122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 England Wagstaff, Harold118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Wagstaff, Harold208 Nov 191116 Dec 1911
 Rugby League XIII Wagstaff, Harold125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Cumberland Ward, Billy122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 England Ward, Billy118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Ward, Billy118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 Rugby League XIII Watton, Sam125 Oct 191125 Oct 1911
 Great Britain Webster, Fred118 Jun 191018 Jun 1910
 England White, Tommy118 Oct 191118 Oct 1911
 Midlands & South White, Tommy123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Cumberland Winskill, Billy122 Nov 191122 Nov 1911
 England Winstanley, Billy106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Winstanley, Billy208 Nov 191116 Dec 1911
 Lancashire Winstanley, Billy102 Oct 191102 Oct 1911
 England Wood, Alf106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Wood, Alf116 Dec 191116 Dec 1911
 Midlands & South Wood, Alf123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 England Woods, Tommy106 Dec 191106 Dec 1911
 Great Britain Woods, Tommy116 Dec 191116 Dec 1911
 Midlands & South Woods, Tommy123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Wales & the West Woods, Tommy120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911
 Midlands & South Wyburn, Danny123 Sep 191123 Sep 1911
 Wales & the West Wyburn, Danny120 Dec 191120 Dec 1911