John Barton - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 New Zealand Amer, Allen113 Sep 196113 Sep 1961
 France Apelian, Antranick111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Cumberland Archer, Harry218 Sep 196112 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII Archer, Harry119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Green XIII Ayres, Dennis119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Baker, George118 Sep 196118 Sep 1961
 France Barthe, Jean111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Great Britain Green XIII Bateson, Peter119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Bond, Jim213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Breen, Aidan231 Aug 195927 May 1961
 Cumberland Brennan, Eddie327 May 196112 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Briggs, Brian211 Nov 195926 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Burnett, John424 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Castle, Bruce113 Sep 196113 Sep 1961
 Great Britain Green XIII Challinor, Jim119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Challinor, Jim112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Clawson, Terry231 Aug 196026 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Close, Don126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Rest of League Collier, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Cooke, Reg213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Rest of League Davies, Alan112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Donaldson, Ray127 May 196127 May 1961
 Yorkshire Dooler, Carl126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Drake, James331 Aug 195912 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Drake, William410 Sep 195812 Sep 1962
 Rest of League Dyson, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank524 Sep 195826 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Edgar, Brian118 Sep 196118 Sep 1961
 Rest of League Edwards, Jackie112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Yorkshire Elliott, Dave126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Emery, Maunga213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 France Eramouspé, Robert111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Cumberland Eve, Benny110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 New Zealand Fagan, Jack213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 France Fages, Georges111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 France Foussat, Jean111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Fox, Don129 Oct 195829 Oct 1958
 Yorkshire Fox, Neil311 Nov 195926 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie210 Sep 195831 Aug 1959
 France Gruppi, Raymond111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom130 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Yorkshire Hammill, Len126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Hammond, Don130 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Great Britain Green XIII Herbert, Norman119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland Hill, Tom112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Hosking, Joe131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick410 Sep 195818 Sep 1961
 Great Britain Green XIII Huddart, Dick119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Huddart, Dick112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Jackson, Duncan126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII Karalius, Vince119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Kellett, Alan424 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Cumberland King, Tony110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Kitchin, Phil127 May 196127 May 1961
 Yorkshire Kosanovic, Milan111 Nov 195911 Nov 1959
 France Lacaze, André111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Rest of League Large, Ken112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Lee, Brian213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd410 Sep 195812 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Lynch, Jim118 Sep 196118 Sep 1961
 France Mantoulan, Claude111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Cumberland Martin, Billy327 May 196112 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII Martyn, Mick119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland McAlone, William210 Sep 195831 Aug 1959
 Cumberland McGuinness, Jack110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland McLeod, Matt112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Cumberland McNally, Tom218 Sep 196112 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII McTigue, Brian119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland Moss, Malcolm127 May 196127 May 1961
 Cumberland Mossop, Joe112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII Murphy, Alex119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland O'Neil, John131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland O'Neill, John327 May 196112 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Palmer, Geoff110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 France Panno, Jean111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Great Britain Green XIII Parkinson, George119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 France Poletti, Louis111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Poole, Harry224 Sep 195811 Nov 1959
 Rest of League Poynton, Harold112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Green XIII Prior, Bernard119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 France Quaglio, Aldo111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 New Zealand Reidy, Brian213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 France Rey, Roger111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Riley, Bill224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Rest of League Robinson, Don112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 Cumberland Roper, Sol510 Sep 195812 Sep 1962
 France Savonne, André111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Rest of League Shaw, Brian112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Shaw, Brian224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Rest of League Shaw, Joby112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Shaw, Joby324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Shelton, Geoff126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Great Britain Green XIII Smith, Brian119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Smith, Fred112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Smith, Fred131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Smith, Geoff126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Snowden, Alan324 Sep 195811 Nov 1959
 New Zealand Snowden, Bill213 Sep 196130 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Southward, Ike227 May 196118 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Stamper, Tom110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Stephenson, Eric110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Stephenson, Ron131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Cumberland Tembey, John231 Aug 195912 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky229 Oct 195831 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Tyson, Brian126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Ward, Fred211 Nov 195926 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Watts, Ivor110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Yorkshire Whiteley, Johnny131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Rest of League Wilkinson, Jack112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack424 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Cumberland Wilson, Don227 May 196118 Sep 1961
 Great Britain Green XIII Wookey, Bill119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Woolford, Cyril111 Nov 195911 Nov 1959
 Yorkshire Yorke, Vic224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958